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What misunderstandings should be avoided when choosing an oil return filter

 2020-12-21 | View:556

Speaking of the oil return filter, I believe everyone is familiar with it, but many people still have many problems in the equipment selection process, and even input the wrong area. The following are the misunderstandings to avoid when buying oil return filter equipment:
1. Imported equipment is very good
Imported oil return filters and other equipment may be better than domestic filters in terms of manufacturing process and quality, and their prices must be relatively high. In fact, when the equipment can work normally and efficiently, domestic equipment still has many advantages, which is cost-effective. Now, many purification equipment have advanced advantages, such as low power, high conversion rate, long life and zero maintenance.
2. The stronger the power of the device, the better
Many people think that the power efficiency of filtering equipment will naturally be better, but in fact, in many cases it is not the case. The total power of the equipment will generate noise and noise, and will consume more power, so the price is reasonable. When we choose, we only need to choose the appropriate power according to the actual usage.
3. The more features the better
You may not know that the more functions of the equipment, the more unreliable the system and the higher the frequency of failures. Therefore, in many cases, the simpler the device, the safer and more reliable it is.
4. The lower the frequency of replacing the filter element of the return oil filter, the better
As long as the injection force and filtering effect of the equipment can be fully guaranteed, the lower the replacement frequency of the filter element, the better, but the filter element equipment has a rated saturation. If saturation is reached, the filter element will fail. This is an inevitable problem, so the frequency of filter replacement is still needed to change the environmental conditions on site. If the return oil filter element is saturated and is not replaced in time during replacement, it will inevitably lead to a reduction in suction and a reduction in filtration accuracy.