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Can a high-pressure filter filter microorganisms and bacteria?

 2020-12-14 | View:542

At this stage, as the demand for use continues to increase, many places have replaced high-pressure filters to achieve the purpose of purification. However, some users often find that the bacteria problem exceeds the standard and point the source of the problem to the high-pressure filter. Today, I will explain to my friends the main functions of the high pressure filter.
Filtration principle of high pressure filter:
The dust particles in the air move inertially with the airflow, or move randomly, or move under the force of a certain magnetic field. When the moving dust particles hit the filter, the gravity between the particles and the surface of the high-pressure filter keeps him still on the filter.
The filtration efficiency of the high-pressure filter for 0.3μm dust in the air exceeds 99.99%. Therefore, according to the above principle, the high-pressure filter can only filter dust; it will neither produce microorganisms nor less than the function of filtering microorganisms.
When replacing the filter, allow the experimenter to be present (ask the bacteria used in the experiment in advance). Persons with injured hands and bodies are not allowed to operate. Operators must wear gas masks and rubber gloves. Seal it and put it in a material bag, then put it in a carton, treat the mask and gloves in the same way, and then burn them together. When installing a new filter, do not just stick your head and body into the device, but also operate it manually. In addition to using a high-pressure filter to remove bacteria in the exhaust gas, an incinerator can also be used for this purpose.